Gifts given for the bad blood stories told to the American Families that were Black in Mason County, albabama, called the treatment for the lab rats. Family black men, military Black men, in the army, and in the communities that had health issues addressed at the Mason County community Hospital.
Stories told by fake friends were the members of the medical community, liars to the faces of the men, and their families, and the mental and medical problems part of the package, given in 1932. This treatment last over 4 decades, the medical community came and went with the older members to be replaced with fresh blood, to spread the lies about the treatments given, and the cures that were available, men not treated for the good of the country?
One movie has been made, and it is not the who story, only the parts that made the government like gods, for the treatments given, the lost lives not address, and the human factors not considered at all. Happy and gay people that were Black Americans, with families, and lives at the churches, lives to share at the schools, lives to grow and expand on the American dreams.
Normal lifes were not possible after being treated with Syphilis in Tuskeegee as an Experiment, part of the lies told to the Black communities in and around Mason Country, Abamba, lab rats needed to treat with Syphilis to see how the cycle worked, and the time factors were the goals of the medical staff in place then, to last fourty years. Mistakes or assumptions of god's gift to the community to infect healthy Black people with a sex transmited sickness, for people without the history for the health issues or mental issues that came witht the treatments given.
Fruits and Nuts:Gifts given for the bad blood stories told to the American Families that were Black in Mason County, albabama, called the treatment for the lab rats. Family black men, military Black men, in the army, and in the communities that had health issues addressed at the Mason County community Hosipital.
A lot of fake friends were the members of the medical community, liars to the faces of the men, and their families, and the mental and medical problems part of the package, given in 1932. This treatment last over 4 decades, the medical community came and went with the older members to be replaced with fresh blood, to spread the lies about the treatments given, and the cures that were available, men not treated for the good of the country?
Military Tricks Played
Fun and games for the people that were part of this crime committed against the men in uniform, this was their rewards, for time served. Family, friends and foes, with problems created by the government, happy and sad stories about our brothers, fathers, sons, and the men and women in the military were used as rats or frogs for Uncle Sam. Mistakes were made, mistakes not corrected, lives changed, in the issues given to the military members. Kids and their kids life changed forever, broken and sad.
Many stories, many tales to share, written stories are not the same, there are more stories that have not been told. This is the first story created to deal with the shame, and this tale was created to bring a little more light to the matters that we have to address today. Mistakes made by Uncle Sam, mistakes made by the soldiers that were force to work on the color bits of truth and honesty, that was used to agreements to be lab rats. Humans black, humans in the Army, and the families that were changed as well.
Help needed to turn the lights on the mental, and physical damages done by Uncle Sam, and the rocks or the marbles lost for the families that lived that period as lab rats. Black men with family members, with wives and the offspring given to the military men that served. Damages done with the experiments done on the men of Tuskegee Experiment, and what that meant to just one family.
Miss Evers' Boys (TV Movie 1997) - IMDb
Internet Movie Database
Stories that need to see the light of day, the government, make chocies to infects the blacks in Mason County Abama, for grins and giggles, the wroung and the rights not taken in consideration for the families, damaged by the gifts from the government, in the hospitals, in the schools, in the fields of Mason County, Ablama for lab rats, folks simple, black and Americans, told for the study of bad blood. Tales told to the grown men pulled out of the fields, pulled from the buses on their way to work, about the gifts given from the government, because they cared about the bad blood, and wanted to treat that.
Lies told for the good of the country? Tales told after the cure was found, stories told about the health issues, the mental issues from the treatments given at the Macon Country Hospital for the black Americans, used as lab rats. The real stories have not been told, questions about the reasons for the need to use how many black Americans for this experiment is the real question, how many deaths, and lives cut short with the treatments given.
Help needed to turn the lights on the mental, and physical damages done by Uncle Sam, and the rocks or the marbles lost for the families that lived that period as lab rats. Black men with family members, with wives and the offspring given to the military men that served. Damages done with the experinents done on the men of Tuskeegee Experient, and what that meant to just one family.
OB Ackice, served in the Army, and one of the places that he served in the military was in Alabama, and he as one of the lab rats that Uncle Sam used. Mistakes make, mistakes corrected in the matter at hand today, writes for the wroungs done to just one man and the family that he create. Love of the country is one thing, but to be a lab rat with a diecese that was cureable is beylong beliefs of the men and women in the United States. Mistakes to correct is in order today.
The kids that were given to this military man, O B Ackles, his wife Elizebeth, and seven kids, to include the living and the dead as members of this family. The Tuskegge experment affected each and every member of this family. This was just one Black American Family-the family, friends, and foes in the hosipatals,in the veterans hospitals, the family members about the damages done to this family, and the kids born in this family. Stories about the health issues, stories with the problems with mental issues, and stories about problems with the desciences that Uncle Sam was giving away like candy to babies. Men in the military with families, and the growth and expandtions on the members of this clan. Justice for the mistakes made by Uncle Sam, at the locations of the Tuskegee Experment, and gifts given with a time limit.
The time limit was on a full, and rich life without health issues, the American Dream life of house and home, without the extra draw back given as gifts? Corrections to the mistakes made for the family members and myself, for the tricks played on the Black American Soldier-Mr. O. B. Ackles and his wife Elizebeth, and the kids, Mary, Pearleen, Sunny, Helen, and the others on the left side of the graves.
Here are the stories that need to be told about the mistakes made by Uncle Sam, and the corrections that are to be done to make this family whole again. Reports of the doctors that noted the extra gifts given as part of the Tuskegee Experment in Ablama to this one man, and his family. Health issues, mental issues, and early deciese that point the fingers at the effects of being a lab rat then.